Revamp your spaces this year with the Magic of Gloware LED Lights!
Revamp your spaces this year with the Magic of Gloware LED Lights!
Every New Year ushers in new life, goals, and a slew of other new activities aimed at improving your life and way of living. With the difficult times we’ve all faced in the past 2 years, 2022 has the most of all of them. So that’s why it’s time for you to brighten up your life this year & we’ll help you do it one at a time. We’re sure you have your goals & resolutions already set this year (mine is to go to the gym!), there’s one thing that you left out. With hard work and dedication I know you’ll surely achieve all your goals but what about your home & office? The new bright version of yourself deserves a brighter home & office. Not to worry as we have the perfect solution for this as well.
The solution for this is the amazing invention of LED lights but not just any type of light! We’re talking about our amazing Gloware lighting products that can help you refurbish and breathe new life into your space. LEDs are rapidly replacing traditional lighting systems for good reason: they provide several advantages. Most significantly, they are the preferred option of lighting for any house since they save on power expenses, provide long-lasting performance, and have pleasant lighting aesthetics.
Gloware’s lighting products have a conventional appearance but use LED lighting technology to alter your home or business without burning a hole in your budget. This product range is ideal for individuals who prefer the sense of yesteryear without sacrificing technology and its benefits.
Let’s have a look at some of the major advantages of using Gloware LED lights have over your regular old light bulbs.
Lower energy Consumption
If you switch from typical incandescent-based halogen lamps to our LED lights, the first thing you save is a great deal of money. Gloware LED lights can help you save up to 90% more energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. Even if you choose CFL or Compact Fluorescent Lamp lighting solutions, you may save significantly since LED technology provides a better degree of brightness while requiring very little electricity.
Broad Light space that covers every corner
Our Gloware series provides omnidirectional light with a wide beam angle, making it suitable for lighting up big, medium, and small-sized areas. As a result, it can efficiently cover all types of places with brilliant light. It also responds instantly from the moment it is turned on.
Long-term performance
The Gloware series is built to be tough and long-lasting, as these unique LED bulbs are meant to survive for an extended period of time and come in a variety of wattages. The Gloware series provide a heat sink design that has been optimized to offer a superior heat dissipation system. This means that it doesn’t overheat often & burn the filament inside, so you only need to install it once and then forget about it.
Is the Perfect fit everywhere Applications on a wire
These Gloware bulbs are intended for use in a wide range of applications. They are appropriate for use in residences, corporate office spaces, retail malls, restaurants, hotels, gyms & spas, exhibition areas, educational institutions, ceiling downlights, particular task area applications, and other sorts of indoor lighting requirements.
Color Rendering Index (CRI) of 80
CRI indicates how a light source makes an object’s colour look to human eyes and how well minor differences in color hues are shown. The Gloware series has a high CRI value of 80, which is quite high as compared to others. The greater the CRI value, the better the colour rendering capabilities. The CRI is commonly stated as a value from 0 to 100 on the Color Rendering Index (CRI), and the Gloware series delivers very accurate illumination with an 80 rendering index.
Safe for our beloved Environment
Gloware LED lights are created in strict accordance with environmental standards, making them particularly environmentally friendly because they do not include dangerous elements such as mercury. Furthermore, it requires extremely little energy and has a low operating temperature.
Modern & Aesthetic look
Lights and lightbulbs come in many sizes and designs nowadays, but the classic incandescent bulb retains its allure. Of course, they come with a lot of wasted energy in the form of high operating temperatures and reliability issues because the filament might burn out and cause the machine to work abruptly. However, Gloware bulbs maintain conventional aesthetics by looking extremely similar to classic incandescent lamps but using LEDs instead of halogen systems.
Well here’s everything we can do on our part to help light up 2022 for you (I know you’ll handle the rest). With our Gloware LED lighting solutions, you may now add modern aesthetics to your lighting while still reaping current technology benefits. We at Albirco are suppliers of LED lights for 31 years & provide you the best & widest range of Gloware lights. So give us a call today or check out our website to learn more & book an order.