How to increase the lifespan of LED’s?
How to increase the lifespan of LED’s?
What is an LED?
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that generates light when an electric current is conducted through it in its most basic form. When the current-carrying particles (known as electrons and holes) collide within the semiconductor material, light is created. LEDs are solid-state devices because the light is created within the solid semiconductor material. The name “solid-state lighting,” which includes organic LEDs (OLEDs), separates this type of lighting from others that employ heated filaments (incandescent and tungsten halogen lamps) or gas discharge (fluorescent lamps).
In all sectors of illumination, LED lights are a popular choice. The biggest advantage that LED lights have over incandescent lights is their long lifespan. A standard LED light may last up to 50,000 hours, or 10 years of continuous operation. When compared to the lifespan of a regular incandescent light bulb, this is a significant amount of time (1,000 hours).
LED lighting is an energy-efficient alternative that is growing popular in homes, outdoor settings, and commercial spaces. If you want to switch to this environmentally friendly option for lighting there are several options available with LED light suppliers in UAE.
Outdoor lighting suppliers in the United Arab Emirates provide a wide range of items made for outdoor use for people wishing to improve their outdoors. These suppliers have everything you need to make your outdoor spaces safer, friendlier, and more attractive.
The following are the factors that affect the lifespan of LED
Let’s start with an overview of the aspects that influence how long your LED lights will last:
Electricity supply
LED lights, like other electrical products, require a consistent power source to operate correctly. To optimize LED light power output and life expectancy, voltage must be managed and regulated. If the power in your location fluctuates frequently, you can be certain that your LED lighting system will not survive long.
Environment temperature
The temperature of your LED light’s environment has an impact on its longevity as well. Outdoor lights, such as garden lights, are subjected to extreme heat and humidity. Its lifetime is shortened as a result of this. Enclosed light fixtures, likewise, have a greater ambient temperature. There should be adequate space for the heat generated by LED lights to be easily drained, or the internal circuitry of the LED light may get overheated and destroyed prematurely.
LED Drivers and Capacitors
Capacitors store energy that is later utilised by the LED light to illuminate the room. If used routinely, plastic capacitors can last up to a year. Their lifetime might be shortened if the ambient temperature is too high. Ceramic capacitors are now often used because they are more resistant to temperature and voltage variations.
The temperature of the Bulb Case and Heat Sink
The bulb casing temperature of an LED light has a significant impact on its longevity. Light’s lifetime will be shortened if the temperature rises over 85 degrees. The light will cease working if the bulb casing temperature exceeds 105 degrees. If you want to increase the life of your LED light, adequate heat management is required.
How to Extend the Life of an LED Light
LED lights offer a longer lifespan than standard light bulbs, but they must be utilised correctly to get the most out of them. Users frequently overlook the fact that LED lights, like any other type of lighting, require adequate care and maintenance. Leaving the bulbs on for lengthy periods of time, putting them in a confined, congested environment, or failing to regulate the voltage input will drastically limit the lifespan of LED lights, forcing you to replace them sooner.
Here are some LED lighting dos and don’ts suggested by lighting companies in Dubai:
LED Lights’ Duration of Use Can Be Controlled
It’s widely known that LED lights outlast traditional incandescent bulbs. However, many people are unaware that leaving these lights on for long periods of time causes them to fade. Have you observed that when LED lights are left on for lengthy periods of time, their luminosity decreases? This is due to the fact that LED lights are intended to diminish luminosity in order to save energy usage.
As a result, utilise LED lights for shorter periods of time, mostly when you want focused, strong light. When their use is no longer required, turn them off.
Allow plenty of time for the lights to cool down.
As previously stated, ambient temperature and bulb case temperature are critical factors in affecting the longevity of an LED light. Just because these bulbs produce less heat than incandescent bulbs doesn’t mean they don’t need to be cooled. Allowing these bulbs to cool down will actually extend their life and increase their lighting.
As a result, install these bulbs in a cool, dry environment with adequate room for the heat generated to evaporate. Allow enough time for them to cool off before turning them back on.
LED lights should not be turned on and off quickly.
Even though we all know this is a no-brainer, it’s worth repeating. Rapidly turning on and off any light bulb might be harmful to its age. This is also true in the case of LED lights. Not only must the construction survive voltage fluctuations, but it also does not have time to recover before the next usage. As a result, their brightness dims and their lifespan shortens.
LED lighting is expensive to install, despite the fact that it is energy-efficient and long-lasting. Take excellent care of your LED lights to get the most out of your investment.
Albirco has been a leading supplier of Gloware LED lights for over 30 years. We supply and distribute residential and commercial LED lights to African, Asian and Middle Easten countries. We take pleasure in having extremely knowledgeable sales representatives that are able to give highly individualised customer care to their customers. Visit our website to know more about our products.
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